Monday, March 15, 2010

ST Patrick's Day Parade in St John

St John is another of the US Virgin Islands (there are three main islands, St Thomas (where we live), St Croix and the beautiful island of St John). To get there, you hop a convenient ferry ride ($6 each way, leaves on the hour).

We knew something was up when we spied these two in line... Either the tackiest tourists I have ever seen (possible) or something was going on once we reached the island (hopefully).

And what was happening was the shortest St Patty's day parade I have ever witnessed... No, that's not right, per capita, ST John's St Patrick's Day Parade dwarfs the minor little parade in New York. There are 4,000 residents in St John. There were 4 "flouts" in the St John Parade. 1 flout per 1,000 people. If New York, population 8,363,000 plus, did that; there would be over eight thousand floats. I have seen NYC's parade. While entertaining, it does not feature 8,000 floats. Do the math, ST John has more Irish spirit than NYC.

There was an Irish Queen...

A fleet of old car...

And pretty girls in bikini costumes (the middle age majorettes ...(middle age if you live to 140, but I digress))

And they tossed freebies to the crowd... I got a Tee shirt and a Heineken Beer!

And after 5 minutes, we went to the beach...

NYC's parade is OK... But all in all, I would rather be in St John!

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