Friday, March 19, 2010

Our Condo Reveal - Shows your Guestroom!

It's built into the lease that we have a cleaning woman come in twice a month. yesterday was the first time, and since the place shined so well, thought I would take the chance to show off the place...

Living area... Couch, Love seat and chair with ottoman.

Dining room table 4 chairs

Entertainment center... complete with lending library (newest book was 10 years old), a few DVD's and VHS tapes. I think people just left em). We do have cable TV, so I get my fix of Morning Joe while I do my post).

Master bedroom (looks a little like Marcia Brady decorated)

Master bath with Ralph Lauren towels.

Guest room (plenty of room for you)

You even will have your own bathroom

But when you visit, I get the room with the stuffed iguanas on the wall.

It's not home, but it certainly is better than a hotel for 6 months.

And plenty of room for company

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