Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pistarckle Theater - Professional Theater in St Thomas

Pistarckle Theater (name derived from the Dutch Creole: spektakel = noise confusion) is the only professional theater on St. Thomas. By stateside standards, it is generous to call the building and facilities a professional theater. Seating is first come, choice of seats, they are in desperate need of additional stage lighting, stage draping and an upgrade on the look of the interior. Sets are minimalist.

But, what they lack on facilities, they make up for in quality of production and an ambitious schedule.

Last night, Jackie and I saw a wonderful production of OTHER PEOPLE's MONEY. The play was written 20 years ago, but the concepts are fresh from today's headlines. It is especially frightening when the villain of the piece declares that Wall Street will always find a way to adapt to the laws of the land.

The Pistarckle performs 10 productions a year, each running only 7 productions. It is a labor of love that the Island should be proud of. Once a level of disbelief took your mind out of the distracting facility, it was as fine a night at the theater as I have ever had!

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