Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I walk Jackie to her workplace every morning. It is about a 10 minute walk, all downhill. the Island is essentially a large hill. Everything is either downhill or uphill. Except around the coastline, there is nothing level.

Each morning, we walk by this statue.

The bronze sculpture of the historic Three Queens
has been placed in Blackbeard's Castle gardens.

"Set in bronze, Queen Mary, Queen Agnes and Queen Josiah - who on Oct. 1, 1878, led laborers in setting fire to half of Frederiksted on St. Croix in a successful demand for better wages and working conditions. " The sculpture, made by famed Richard Hallier, shows the women standing with arms raised, holding a machete, jug of oil and flambeaux as water from a fountain made out of the island's blue bit stone cascades over their backs."
This sculpture commissioned by the St. Thomas Historical Trust in partnership with Circa 1675 and Virgin Islands Inns."

Quote courtesy of the Blackbeard's Castle website - http://www.blackbeardscastle.com/

The local government is in the process of declaring October 1st as a national holiday to commemorate the day. Similar to the States remembering the Boston tea Party as a day of rebelion for personal autonomy.

the garden's are marked with the name of the flowers and foliage.

When we come back at night, we get the view of the statue, gardens and in the background, the pirate tower used by Blackbeard's men to see who is coming in the harbor.

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